Visitors and enquiries

Visiting the Archives


Archivist – Clare Sargent, MA, Radley College, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 2HR

Opening hours for external visitors

Access to the Archive is by appointment only during school term time. Some evening and weekend appointments can be accommodated.

The Archive Centre has limited disabled access. However, material can be made available to visiting scholars, subject to space in the school library. There is ample parking at the school.

Group visits and exhibitions

Exhibitions and open days: as advertised

Group visits and tours of the school can be arranged by appointment. They will usually only be conducted outside of the school term.

Research enquiries

Research enquiries are answered as promptly as possible during term time. During school holidays there may be some delay in responding to all requests, but all will be answered in due course.

Fees and charges

There is currently no charge for answering research enquiries or supplying digitized material. The school reserves the right to request a reproduction fee for publications.


All material is subject to UK copyright law

Freedom of Information Act and Data Protection Act

The school has charitable status and is an independent body, consequently it is not currently subject to the Freedom of Information Act and reserves the right to refuse access to material. Under the Data Protection Act any past pupil or employee may have access to material which relates solely to him or her self.

Radley on the National Archive (Archon number 1109)

The digital archive.  The full text of The Radleian magazine, the College registers,  the earliest histories, the War Memorial databases and many photographs can be accessed here: Radley Archives online