Virtual School – keeping in touch. 27.3.2020

27 March 2020. Today news from two different friends about postponing their weddings until next year. And from brother-in-law, the link to view his friends’ wedding brought forward by a month and live-streamed to 100 guests, with just the vicar and witnesses at the wedding itself.

A reminder about a team pub lunch popped up on my work calendar. So we plan a fantasy lunch by email. Think I’ll go for the whopping great burger with sweet potato fries, followed by salted caramel and pecan ice cream. With a really good beer since I won’t be driving. Next week, by Zoom.

Daily updates from the Warden have kept us all up to date with the situation at school. Our first attempt at an All Staff Zoom conference. 59 of us there all flicking in and out, and trying out fancy backgrounds. Outer space was popular, but San Francisco deemed just boasting. Personally, I did my hair. Then forgot and switched off the camera. Also forgot to register my name beforehand so just came up by device. But I WAS THERE.

© Clare Sargent